Book a free phone call with our Clinical Coordinator.
Psychiatry in Plantation Florida and throughout the state of Florida
The Best in Psychiatry
We are a boutique Psychiatry and Psychotherapy practice, providing our patients the highest level of personalized expert care for mental health concerns and other life issues. We serve patients locally in Broward County, Florida at our Plantation mid-town office and throughout the state of Florida through our tele-health services.
Let's get started!

We are a bunch of real folks you can relate to and a group of professional and experienced mental health clinicians who love what they do, continuously learn, and are committed to providing scientifically-backed results-oriented care. We are a multi-disciplinary practice and our super sweet (and smart!) Clinical Coordinator will help you get started and find the best therapist or doctor for you.
Our Mental Health Professionals
Dr. Chantal Marie Gagnon, Ph.D., LMHC
Dr. Philippe Carrie, M.D.
Mailin Delgado, LMHC, Ed.S.
We customize our service to each patient! Whether you need a mental health evaluation, psychiatric medication, psychotherapy or counseling, or coaching and group classes. We serve children, adolescents, adults, couples and families.
Mental Health Therapies & Treatments
- All
- Counseling
- Counseling & Therapy
- Dyslexia Assessment
- Educational Evaluations
- Gifted Testing
- Immigration Evaluations
- Learning Disability Testing
- Mental Health Evaluations
- Psychiatric Evaluations
- Psychiatric Medication Online
- Psychiatry
- Psychoeducational Evaluations
- Psychology
- Substance Abuse Evaluations
- Tele-Psychiatry
- Telehealth Psychiatric Medication
- Testing for ADHD/ADD
- Treatment
Psychotherapy & Counseling
Psychiatric Medication Management
Let's get started!
Book a free phone call with our Clinical Coordinator.